Saturday, August 7, 2010

Look at my new ears!!

Can you even see them?! Cohen got her hearing aids at the beginning of July and we had been prepared for a tough transition into learning to wear them consistently. I even took a week off work to assist with this. Well, we should have known that should would tolerate them just as well as she tolerates everything else that comes her way. She has done FABULOUS!!! At first, she squirmed and resisted us putting them in her ears but never pulled at them or tried to take them out. They even gave us "critter clips" to attach to them in case she pulls at them, they can fall out but still be attached to her clothes. We have only used them at school and the other kids noticed the clips and kept pulling them out, that was little frustrating but she endured it.

Now she wakes up in the morning and points at her ears before she gets out of the crib wanting us to put them in---immediately. She doesn't want to miss a thing. It has been truly amazing to watch her as she has learning a whole new side of her world. She is so responsive now and a few of the things that we were thought were "delays", were actually a lack of hearing (not all her delays are that easily explained...).

This is what she typically looks like throughout the day, she is always pointing at her ears letting us know she is hearing. She loves to show off he "new ears."
She has learned a few new tricks--she can point at her belly, hair, and of course her ears when asked. She also loves much that there will be a whole post about her new obsession :)

1 comment:

The Hensons said... sweet! glad the transition has been easy for her. and you!