Friday, January 4, 2013

Snail Mail

I got a letter in the mail today from my surgeon--- yes, you read that right, a letter!!-- regarding scheduling my appointment.  This is a first for me.  I mean in this day of age, we have office phones, cell phones, email, and even a virtual chart but they are going to send me a letter with 2 appointment options and for me to call them with which ever one worked best for me.  Whatever.  Anyway, my appoint will be Tuesday, January 8.  I asked if it indicated what I will be having pre-op for and the nurse said all that was indicated was "discuss with patient next procedure."  Didn't clear anything up!  However, I am confident in Dr Ahmed and his skills so we will wait.
Next week will be a busy week.  I am having a root canal Monday on a tooth that started hurting before craziness started and after the surgery I couldn't keep my neck extended for that long so we are going to try and squeeze it in between surgeries.  Tuesday, meet the surgeon.  Wednesday my Uncle Mitchel will be having a catheter ablation of his heart early that morning and Cohen will be having her 4 year old check up.  Lots of doctors.....ugh!!

I put this on Facebook so some have already seen it, but isn't this hilarious!!  Left to right: My little brother, Bo, Kinson, me, Cohen, my older brother, Robert and my mom.  My brother bought this for my sweet sister-in-law for her Christmas present!  Let me just say---she is a better woman than me!!  I don't think I could have hidden my excitement, joy. jubilation, ummm I am not sure I can think of a nice word :)

Cohen has become quite the photog lately.  She grabs our phone and says, "Say cheese!  1, 2, 3,!"  You better look AND smile or she will say it over and over until you do.  I have about 250 pictures in my cloud that I need to erase!  Here is one that I kept!

1 comment:

Linda said...

We will be thinking of you Brandy during all that is happening in the coming week -