Sunday, January 27, 2013

2 surgeries down!

This girl is a pro when it comes to surgeries!  No medicine needed before hand, she was content to just hang out and show the nurses how to play her Nabi!  We have had the same nurse all but 1 time that we have had surgery.  She saw that we were coming and switched with a nurse just so she could have Cohen.  She is always so sweet to us.  She is also the one who calls every so often to let you know the procedure started, how it is going, etc.  Well when she called to let me know it started, she was laughing because when they rolled Cohen back into surgery she took the mask from them and told them, "I can do it."  And held the mask to her face and put herself to sleep!

Dr Carron was very pleased after getting in there and draining all the fluid out of ears and repairing the left ear drum.  He went ahead and placed "T-Tubes" in both of her ears.  These tubes are actually sewn into her eardrum where as previous tubes were "pressure" based.  Hopefully, now that they are more secure, the sinus pressure will not push them out like in the past.  He also did a very minor sinus procedure to decrease her nosebleeds that she has been having.  He was also laughing afterwards talking about how amazed the team was in her behavior.  She had yet to shed a tear even after waking up.  When I finally got to go see her, she was all tucked in with one tear rolling down her face.  I asked her what was wrong, she said "My nose itches" and held up her finger that had her heart rate sensor on it.  She was mad because she couldn't scratch  it!  She continues to amaze m daily!  That girl came home like nothing as wrong and hasn't stopped yet!

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