Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dance Recital 2012

Cohen did her first year of dance and had their performance last month (yes, I know it is late!)  As always, Cohen marches to her own drum :)

She wasn't really into looking at audience during her first performance.  But this is way better than dress rehearsal went.  She screamed because the stage lights were too bright!
Still not sure that she is into this!
She looks at her, "Are you really doing this!?!"
At least it is over!!
She loved the attention afterwards :)
This is one of the best family pics we have ever taken! 
My sweet Momma and her "new" hair!
Can you see her hair?  Bear really is the best daddy ever!  I can't do too many things with her hair but he is patient (most of the time) and fixes whatever I tell him too!  He braided her hair and then put it in a side-pony!!  She had the best hair there :)
Sweet Ms Courtney was soooo patient with Cohen this year.  Cohen thought of her as her "personal assistant" at times :)  Cohen loved hanging out with the older girls and being included in their fun stuff!  Can't wait for next year!!

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