How can I dwindle down my list of resolutions?? I have soooo many things that I would like to work on this year
1. We, as a family, would like to find a church that we truly like and can be a part of. This has been a struggle for us because of me being Catholic. I do not mind attending a church of a different denomination but when it comes to joining, I don't want to have to be baptized again. We also want to feel like we are part of a church family and meet new people. I am worried how the kids are going to do as we go to various churches. If you have a church you love that is reasonably close to us, let me know, we would love to visit!
2. Organize everything! You think I am kidding, but I am not! I have so many things stacked up in my room, car, kitchen, office, you name it I have a stack for it. It is getting out of control!! But most importantly, I have to get Cohen's medical info organized. We have spent lots of money on dr visits and prescriptions and I can't keep up with what we have paid, deductibles, and tax info! This is a priority so that hopefully soon we can finish refiling for Cohen's assistance program (which we were denied initially!!)
3. Couponing- I even went to a class on this back in October. I learned so much, even bought the accordian file to organize them in. Then I went even further and got Sunday papers for 4 weeks in a row and stored them in my file. They are still there..never even pulled them out to look at them!! I am determined this time. I follow to get my coupon match ups (you never have to cut them, just file them and pull them out when she matches them with a sale item).
4. Cooking-- We don't eat out a lot but I have began slacking in the cooking department. we were surviving off sandwiched and lean cuisines, ugh. It was mainly because I was going to the grocery store everyday because I never had everything I needed (reference back to New Year Res2010-- always have a list-- um, yeah, that didnt happen!). My mom got me a few 5 ingredient cookbooks that were also cooking light (even when I do cook, I make sure it is relatively healthy) for Christmas. So far, it has gone well. Now if I can just combine last years resolution to make a list and this year resolution to coupon, I will be hopefully be cooking cheaper too!
5. I know everyone says exercise, but not really exercising as my resolution but just being a more active family when we are together. It is so easy to put the kids in front of the TV to get a few minutes of quiet time or take them shopping to just get out of the house. But I am talking more trips to the park, museums, playing on the swingsets, riding bikes, etc. The kids always love it when we do it, momma and papa just gotta do it!!
6. Education- I love learning anything and everything (I mean really, who goes to a class on couponing!!) We have to get CEUs to keep our liscense and everytime i get a brochure my first instinct is "I am going to this one!" If it wasn't the cost and scheduling around work or missing family time on the weekend, I would go to everyone of them, even those that aren't for OT's. So I am going to definitely look into pursuing/furthering my education online or limited classes to make myself more knowledgeable and up to date to make me a better clinician.
7. Advocate- This kind of goes along with education but more specifically-- Hearing Impaired and Language Disorders. Before Cohen's diagnosis, I knew how to change batteries in my patient's big ole dinosaur aids and when they started whistling I would hit a few buttons and would pray the racket would stop. Now I can change batteries, know how to dry one out when you accidently leave them on in the bathtub, clean out more ear wax than I thought humanly possible, anyway you get the idea. But most importantly, these children deserve the best technology has to offer and the best education. We are fortunate that Magnolia is relatively close to us and that we are in a position that we can afford it. This is not the case for everybody. I know people will get tired of me asking or forwarding emails requesting donations, sponsorships, or participation with events, but I feel very strongly about this. I want only the best for Cohen and it breaks my heart that children just like her can't get the same care.
8. Be more acknowledging and express my gratitude. I have never been very good at giving compliments, it is probably because I am not real good at receiving them. I want to apply this in all aspects, work, friendships, marriage, and family. I love, love, love to write a Thank you note but sometimes things that are small and somewhat expected, I let get by with no acknowledgement. I want people to know how thankful I really am.
See, I told you I would have a hard time narrowing it down and these aren't all of them. A lot of them are more personal changes and smaller things but things I want to work on. I know I need a lot of motivation to keep up with these but i am determined!!
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